上海城市精神: 海納百川 追求卓越 開明睿智 大氣謙和

Work Plan of Shanghai Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation Administration in 2024

發佈時間:2023-12-27 16:45
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  1. Focusing on Political Orientation, Adhering to Enhance the Construction of the Political Organ

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will effectively expand the achievements of the campaign under the theme of “staying true to our aspiration and founding mission”, establish and improve the normalized long-term institutional mechanism for the campaign, persistently promote the transformation and application of the achievements, and strive to achieve more practical results in solving problems and fostering development.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will deepen the construction of the political organ, earnestly implement the “first topic” system of the Party Committee meeting and the learning regulations of the Party Committee Theoretical Learning Center Group, and better play the role of the “key few” in leading and promoting learning.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will vigorously improve the quality and efficiency of Party building, consolidate and expand the working mechanism of “vertical integration and horizontal communication to strengthen Party building”, deepen the new model of Party building-business integration of “Party building leadership + core business + cooperation & innovation”, continuously promote the construction of model organs, and comprehensively improve the quality of Party building in organs.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will make further efforts to exercise full and rigorous governance over the Party. In accordance with the requirements for the arrangements of centralized discipline education, Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will conscientiously carry out Party discipline learning and education and regular warning education, and transform strict discipline into the daily consciousness of all tax officials.

  2. Focusing on Serving Overall Strategy and Fulfilling Duties, Adhering to Promote Economic Development with Responsibilities

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will organize the work of tax revenue in accordance with laws and regulations, combine the acquisition and accumulation of funds, uphold the bottom line of not collecting excessive taxes, rely on the mechanism of co-governance of finance and taxation, enhance scientific management and raise the efficiency of tax sources, and boost the stable, high-quality and sustainable growth of tax revenue of various tax departments.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will endeavor to improve the work of social security premiums and non-tax revenue, explore the establishment of a legal, standardized and efficient co-governance model for social security premiums and non-tax revenue, optimize the full-process management system for payment service, tax arrears collection and tax-related inspection, and continuously improve the quality and efficiency of social security premiums and non-tax revenue.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will fully implement tax-supporting policies, center on supporting technological innovation and the development of the manufacturing industry, utilize tax-supporting policies, encourage enterprises to increase the R & D investment, guide various elements and resources to be invested in the real economy, promote the construction of a modern industrial system driven by technological innovation, and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces.

  3. Focusing on Performing Responsibilities, Adhering to Fully Serve Major Strategies

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will take more practical measures to support the construction of the “Five Centers”, actively implement tax policies such as additional deduction of the R & D expenses, cash rewards for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and value-added tax deduction, foster basic research, the cultivation of scientific and technological talents and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and enhance the innovation capability and core competitiveness of the city.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta with higher standards, implement a series of support and service measures such as unified tax administrative penalty discretion benchmark in the Yangtze River Delta, optimize and standardize the integrated workflow of inter-regional tax service and management of big enterprises, further deepen institutional reform and innovation, and promote regional collaborative governance.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will provide greater support for the construction of Pudong Leading Area and Lingang New Area, actively align with international high-standard economic and trade rules, strengthen comprehensive management of electronic invoices, conduct pilot work on preferential policies on the stamp duty of offshore trade, deeply explore the “dual pillar” international tax reform plan and propose countermeasures and suggestions, and empower Pudong to better play a leading role in high-level opening up.

  4. Focusing on Improving Efficiency by Innovation, Adhering to Promote the Tax Administration Reform in an Effective and Orderly Way

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will promote the construction of the phase-4 Golden Tax in an orderly manner. According to the timeline, it will complete the promotion and launch of a new electronic tax department with national standards, achieve a seamless shift for taxpayers, steadily advance the digitalization of electronic invoices in an all-round way, accelerate the promotion of the “Leqi” platform, and expand the access to “Leqi”.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will strengthen and optimize the taxation responsibility system, accelerate the integration of tax administration, risk response, data analysis and other businesses, achieve the integration of Party affairs, government affairs and businesses, and promote the organic integration of personnel, business, technology, data, job responsibilities and other aspects.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will continuously deepen the application of tax data. Supported by Measures on Tax Collection Service and Guarantee in Shanghai, it will actively integrate into the construction of digital government, promote information exchanges, service integration and law-enforcement assistance, and contribute to creating a new unified and efficient pattern of tax co-governance.

  5. Focusing on the Rule of Law in Tax Standardization, Adhering to Effectively Maintain the Tax Order

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will deepen the construction of the tax legal system, implement the newly-revised Administrative Reconsideration Law of the People’s Republic of China, explore the application of simplified procedures for tax reconsideration, optimize and improve tax administrative reconsideration and litigation cases.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will strictly regulate the order of tax management, consolidate the foundation of tax administration, strengthen the management of unpaid accounts, invoice issuance and tax arrears, and establish and improve the supervision mechanism of “finding tax sources, monitoring tax sources, and managing tax sources”.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will build a risk prevention & control network, rely on the cooperation mechanism among the eight departments, severely combat falsely issuing invoices and illegally obtaining export tax rebates, and effectively achieve the goal of promoting rectification, supervision and governance through investigation.

  6. Focusing on the Tenet of Solving Real Problems, Adhering to Optimize the Business Environment with Sincerity

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will align with the World Bank evaluation system with high standards, strengthen communication with third-party authoritative institutions and expert teams, learn from best international practices, fully leverage the role of innovation pilot projects in optimizing the business environment, and promote the implementation of new evaluation indexes and countermeasures.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will improve the quality and efficiency of tax services, focus on micro, small and medium enterprises as well as privately-owned businesses, continue to carry out campaigns such as “Spring Rain Nurturing Seedlings” and “Service Month for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” with relevant departments, and transform more achievements.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will efficiently respond to the demands for tax payment, deepen the construction of the “Fengqiao Model” tax office in the new era, actively improve the mechanism of resolving tax service demands, strengthen the tracking of meeting tax demands, and extend from “handling complaints immediately” to “handling before complaints”.

  7. Focusing on Strictly Supervising Cadres and Stimulating Their Vitality, Adhering to Forging an Upright Cadre Team

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will make efforts to strengthen team building, employ or appoint people according to their merits, reasonably select and appoint division heads and section heads, vigorously carry out public selection of young cadres as well as heads of municipal bureaus and dispatched organs, steadily promote the investigation of outstanding young cadres and the rotation and exchange of personnel on key positions, and further select and optimize the cadre team.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will strive to build a highland of talents, implement a new five-year plan for cadre education and training, explore new methods of “integrating operation and training”, practice the new concept of “building a cadre team with a strong political belief”, deepen the construction and application of Xue Xi Xing Shui platform, and continuously promote the high-quality development of cadre education and training.

  Shanghai Municipal Tax Service will strive to raise administrative efficiency, continuously implement the “four grassroots” work system, actively carry out large-scale investigations, solve real problems for the grassroots, improve the normalized work mechanism of “reducing expenditure”, and strengthen financial supervision and budget-performance management.




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